Grace Children’s Center is updating our policies and procedures in every effort to keep everyone safe and healthy. This page is in process. Updates are made as new recommendations are made and practices implemented. Our primary goal is holistic health for children, families, and staff. Some of our practices keep in mind the child’s social/emotional health as well as their physical health. If you have any questions please email
What we are doing:
We are currently following
As well as:
- Limited access to our Centers
- Increased hand washing, sanitizing, and cleaning efforts throughout the day
- Minimized the amount of things in each center and replaced difficult to clean items with easier to clean and sanitize toys and projects
- Spending time outside for meals, snacks, story time, and more – if the weather permits
- Teaching older children about social distancing, helping them to practice independent play
- Laundering your child’s blanket every other day
Teachers PPE
Teachers are provided with scrub tops, aprons, masks, gloves
What you can do:
There are many simple ways that you can partner with us in keeping everyone healthy. Including:
- Check in and Out that allows for one family dropping off/picking up at a time. More
- Let us know when you keep your child home for any reason, the day you are keeping them home. We are monitoring all reasons for absences in childcare, and tracking all illness symptoms. Send a message through ProCare to let us know as soon as possible.
- Keep Your Ill Child Home
- Complete the Daily Health Check upon arrival at the center each day
- Maintain a consistent schedule of dropping off and picking up. This helps us to provide consistent groups and teachers.
- On Monday – bring only what you believe your child will need for the week, including: Diapers, Ointment, Sunscreen, Wipes, Bottles, Formula, Breast Milk, Extra Changes of Clothing, Shoes, Socks, and Blanket and Snuggle item for nap time.
- Do not allow your child to bring in toys, food from home, or other items not listed above.